Bible Think Tank

This site is designed to help you interact with others about God's Word. I further some thoughts we developed during morning and evening gatherings at church. I have my NT translations from the original Greek to English. Also, I have book reviews and other current events.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

When I'm Not Around

My daughter just turned one. All you who know her, see her as an incredibly pleasant and smiley baby girl. The deep-dark-secret is that she is fooling you all. At home, she is really fussy. I know everything said on the Internet lasts forever (as the experts say) so sorry girly ... i hate to embarrass you.

Just now, Evelyn was playing on the kitchen floor while I read Ray Bertolet's blog and while Rachel was in the bano. She was pleasant and even cheery. As soon as Rachel came out of the bathroom, Evelyn started fussing and reaching out for mama to hold her. As Nathaniel always said as a baby, "hold you me!"

So Rachel commented after this fuss: "Why is she only pleasant when I'm not around?" Believe you me, it is frustrating and stressful to hear the wailing of a baby. But in this moment, I thought about things from my baby girl's perspective. She is thinking "I happiest when I'm in my mama's arms."

All this got me thinking about us and the Lord. There are times in my life that I am close to the Lord and there are times when my spiritual vitality is dry and my soul is hungry for Him. When I see Him moving in my life, or in the lives of those around me. I realize that He is there and I do all I can for Him to hold me and stir and fill my aching soul. When I am blind to His quiet working, when I don't notice His presence and workings, I am content to busy myself in the matters that surround me.

Like my baby girl, I am pleasant when I forget about my God but when I see Him, all I want is for Him to be close with me. May I put away the propensity to be content apart from Him. May my spiritual eyes be restored to full sight. May I always see His movings. May I always hunger and even ache for closeness to Him. May I be eager to hear the whispers of love and assignment from His Spirit.



Blogger Holly S. said...


9/13/2007 9:48 PM  

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