We're ALL Charismatic
Order in Ministering Together
Let's talk about last Sunday (9/9/07).
What are your thoughts about the roles of different ministers in the church? Is it hard or easy to see yourself as a minister? Is it easy to recognize laypeople as ministers? Is it easy to see the pastor as one-among-many ministers? I'll post after a few go ahead. My sermon is available on the church site in audio and notes. My Greek Translation of the text is available on the blog.
Specifically focusing on 1 Corinthians 12, but other texts are okay too.
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What are your thoughts about the roles of different ministers in the church? Is it hard or easy to see yourself as a minister? Is it easy to recognize laypeople as ministers? Is it easy to see the pastor as one-among-many ministers? I'll post after a few go ahead. My sermon is available on the church site in audio and notes. My Greek Translation of the text is available on the blog.
Specifically focusing on 1 Corinthians 12, but other texts are okay too.
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How do you feel about the statement "all Christians are Charismatics" ??
Labels: Sunday Mornings
I think the term "minister" has a cultural meaning (and collar) attached to it. I can think that I may have a ministry, but I don't think of myself as a minister.
Thanks for the comment, DelawareGirl!
You bring up exactly my point: there is a cultural meaning that is (i believe) contradictory to the Scriptures.
Culture says the pastor is the minister and the congregation is the recipients of his ministry.
Scripture says pastors (along with apostles, prophets, and evangelists) equip the congregation for their ministries. (Ephesians 4:11-12).
It isn't your fault or any layperson's fault that you all don't feel like ministers, rather it is the vocational ministers' collective fault for not emphasizing this throughout Church history.
That statement is a loaded gun, let's make sure the safety stays on!
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