Bible Think Tank

This site is designed to help you interact with others about God's Word. I further some thoughts we developed during morning and evening gatherings at church. I have my NT translations from the original Greek to English. Also, I have book reviews and other current events.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Emerging/Emergent - He Said It Again

By the testimony of two or three witnesses, or more accurately the same witness twice now, I feel that the following notion is valid...

The Emerging Church is a distinct group from the Emergent Church.

I was listening to Mark Driscoll tonight at the Resurgence Conference. Watch it live here. He said that they are different. I wrote in my blog about this back in October after the BFC Ministerial Convention. Read that post here.

So again my question: can we the BFC feel comfortable trying this out at least on a trial basis without the fear of throwing in our lot with heretics?

I'd love your comments.



Blogger Tim Schmoyer said...

Yeah, the Emerging stuff gets kinda confusing because there's so many positions and takes on it. I'm a fan of Dan Kimball's view of approaching the movement's positive aspects without throwing conservative theology out the window.

3/04/2008 12:51 AM  

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